2 rounds of: 3 Power Cleans, 225/155 10 HSPU 2 rounds of: 6 Power Cleans, 185/135 20 Ring Dips 2 rounds of: 12 Power Cleans, 135/95 30 Hand Release Push ups No rest between rounds. One bar, strip the weight.
It has been a fun and stressful trip and now it is ore due to low participation in Floria and Texas I will be back in Old Faithful New Castle a week from Wednesday!
I have got a lot of things to bring back and will be announcing a seminar for members several times to catch everyone up to speed on a few things. Each time we meet members will need to sign up for it so that each seminar is not too crowded and enough equipment is available.
We will be putting a shower in CFG and making lots of equipment changes to Rifle. Lots of things will be changing at a pretty fast pace all for the best and best of all I cannot wait to be back for a while amongst my inherited family.
SumoDeadlift ( keep back flat, legs are a half a foot wider than shoulder width on both sides, grip normal on the bar, shoulders start over the bar, hamstrings should activate and pull as you lift)
5 - 3 - 3 - 3
I know you are sore from Snatches still go for a solid weight here. If the back is starting to bow bring the weight down. Designing this segment to strengthen the power muscles.
12 min of
30 Push Ups
25 Double Unders (75 singles) challenge yourself
20 Box Jump (30/24) stay safe here please take all of your skin home thank you! :-)