Monday, May 9, 2011

Monday May 9

If you are checking out the blog today, you may be brining up a remark in you head to the effect of, "thats the last time I drink on Sunday night", or maybe, "yep it's a Monday." No, you do not have dejavu. This WOD is the exact same one planned for Saturday. However, Bill was the only crossfitter who heroically battered this sucker, even after a week and a half vacation. So, I wanted to make sure all of the rest of our members didn't miss out. Aren't you happy that  I am thinking of you so much! Your welcome! :) 

Warm Up
200 m Run
20 Squats
10 Push Ups
Group Stretch


Partner workout - tag team completing repetitions of the workout

200 Squats
600 Jump Rope
300 Push Ups

Stretch the crap out of your Ham Strings

1 comment:

  1. Joyce and Brett 17:12
    Daisy and Brett 23:38
    Lily and Chera 28:53
    Gyla and Becky 32:56
